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December 07, 2010

Bali Special Sweet Citrus Chicken

Bali - The smell of fragrant savory spread since the chicken was burned was tickling his nose. Small young chicken halved red slightly browned. Tasty flesh tender, spicy seasonings because of strokes. Pelecing bribed with kale, Wouw ... delicious beyond measure! Come let's worth trying!

Many people hesitate when it comes to taste authentic Balinese food. Doubt if not lawful and hesitation will taste. Because from the beginning I really wanted to test the taste of local food stalls in Bali then this so my choice while in the area of Denpasar.

Warung "Jerman" aka 'Jeruk Manis (sweet orange)' is already famous for the delicious taste of food and low prices. Like its tagline 'said the good word of cheap'. Its location is also convenient in the region Puputan, Renon. Form of simple yes stall like a regular house with a few tables and chairs plus a lush trees.

Entering this shop to the day immediately smelled fragrant grilled chicken. Well, direct stomach revolted because they were hungry. Pelecing the famous roasted chicken became a prime target, following a portion of mix and ice daluman tipat.

On the right side there is a glass cabinet displaying a variety of side dishes to tipat and rice mix. There satai wrap, turn chicken, ointment, satai chicken, fried chicken, fried peanuts, fried skin and a variety of chili, including chili cooked. What caught my attention even hard-boiled egg wrapped in white crystals. Apparently that's salted chicken eggs a mainstay of shops 'Jerman' this.

While the smell fragrant grilled chicken, I also tried a variety of snacks are served at the table. Spicy sweet corn, fish crackers and crackers kanji. Out of curiosity, salted chicken eggs soon I taste. The color is brown like eggs pindang with savory taste delicious though not greasy like egg yolk salted duck eggs.

Well, finally pelecing grilled chicken served steaming hot on a flat plate. Equipped with lime slices plus red-orange sauce in the sauce container. Display this grilled chicken and fragrant crisp on the outside because the fire burned over charcoal.

Once torn, immediately feels soft, savory, savory spicy. After the flushing water lime and chili sauce scraped it feels more powerful. Spicy, sour, sharp bite! Grilled chicken seasoning this reminds me of Taliwang chicken, grilled chicken, aka Lombok Sasak style which is also delicious!

This diamond comes with a small bowl of clear broth soup is yellowish with red bean stuffing and chicken balls are tiny. Hmm ... These tasty soft rice cake after being mixed with various side dishes feel full sensation in the tongue. There are spicy, salty, savory and crunchy. As a complement, this fragrant soup is tasty, shock absorbers also be a raw chili pepper bite. Well, it turns out this complete tipat really filling!

Other times it seems I have to go back to sample the grilled carp which according to many friends are also tasty and delicious. Eat with your hands to make lunch more fun in this shop. Stings a spicy chili can be muted by the cold ice daluman sweet. Slruupp! Yummi!

Warung Nasi Bali Special Sweet Citrus Chicken
(Warung Jerman)
Jl. Raya Puputan 206 Renon
Denpasar, Bali
Phone: 0361-247751
Opening hours: 07:00 to 5:00 pm

December 06, 2010

5 Compulsory Foods for Women

Eating was not only home just satiated. Food men and women also differ because the body needs are also different. For the women, there are some foods that must be eaten every day. What the hell?

As a woman, the body becomes part is quite crucial to support the appearance. In order to maintain an ideal body shape still, some women tried to run various kinds of diet programs. However, many women forget that the body also requires nutrients for the sake of continuity of the body's metabolic system.

To work around this, the following five types of foods should be consumed by women every day for the nutrients the body needs remain met.


It is no doubt, if the greens are very good for the body. Green vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, lettuce, broccoli, cassava leaves, etc. is the best source of fiber. In addition, vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid is also no doubt. Type of other minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium are in some kind of green vegetables. The more green the color of vegetables rich in nutrients.


Wheat is a source of high fiber, nearly 96% of wheat is the main content of fiber. While the rest are vitamins and minerals. Because wheat is not quite easy in the can in Indonesia, you can replace it with its derivatives, such as oatmeal, wheat bread, pasta from wheat.


Nuts are a source of vegetable protein that is very good. In addition, beans also contain vitamin E, which is excellent for keeping skin moist, magnesium, and vitamin B. Nuts may prevent cancer and heart attacks. You can eat peanuts as an afternoon snack, or mixed into salads or yogurt. Within a week try to consume as much as half a bowl of peanuts to obtain maximum results.


Low-fat yogurt or yogurt without feeling contain enough vitamins, protein, and calcium. Yogurt also contains good bacteria that is good for the digestive system and prevent diseases of the stomach. Consumption of 3 to 4 cups of yogurt a week. Choose the type of yogurt that is plain and should not add sugar, if it feels like something more to add pieces of fresh fruit into it.

Assorted Berries Fruit

It is no doubt, fruits included in the family of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) are a source of fiber and antioxidants are also very good. Antioxidants not only prevent you from heart disease and stroke, but also keep your memory in top condition. Consumption of berries three times a week, is enough keep your body healthy!

Beef steak 800 gram of Chianina

Eating 800 grams of beef? Alone? Yes, that's a tradition in Florence, Italy.

Florence (Firenze in Italian) is the city rich and abundant in ancient times. Not only the trade center, since Djaman dahoeloe the capital of the Province of Florence Toscana is also a center of arts and culture. Florence is the birthplace of art gagrak who then called the Italian Renaissance. Works by Michelangelo is a "decoration" at the same time that split the city landmarks this Arno River. Red wines from Toscana (Tuscany in English) also has the name of the world. In short, Florence was one of the world's premier tourist destination city.

For the tasting Florence typical food - Steak Bistecca alla Fiorentina aka Florence - I asked a gold jewelry shop owner. Florence is also known for crafting gold jewelry. Ponte Vecchio, the old bridge in the middle of the city - similar to the Rialto bridge in Venice that left his right-full of small shops prestigious - is the center of gold jewelry traders.

"You have to Celestino," said the classy-looking lady was, as he describes the blind map. The restaurant turned out to be only 200 meters from the Ponte Vecchio. Previously, I've also eat other dishes typical of Florence, namely Trippa alla Fiorentina (tripe trippa =) at Il David, a restaurant in the piazza next to Uffizzi. Il David is not bad, but nothing special.

From tongkrongan her, I immediately could tell that Celestino not a restaurant at random. An old building with antique furnishings, elegant look. The waiters wear white coats typical Italian. An elderly waiter even speak English with perfect lafadz. When I asked how big the steak was served, he replied with a grin: "It all Depends on how the chef Would Generous cut your T-bone steak." Hmm, let's see. You see, the menu looks worth Eu 4.50 (Rp 54 thousand) per 100 grams. The bigger the cut, surely the higher the price.

Because the Italians are very proud of the origin of food - like cheese and ham from Parma - hence the naming of this steak should also be complete by the name of the region, namely: Bistecca alla Fiorentina in Manzo Chianina. Meaning: from Chianina beef steak (Chiana Valley), who cooked Florentine style.

 In short, while waiting for a typical beef from the Chiana Valley in-grill, I enjoy Stracciatella alla Romana (soup of beef broth with beaten eggs) is really delicious.

Steak that came made me almost faint. Duh, how to spend it this big? If it weighs almost a kilo, the price must be about USD 400 thousand. Thick flesh - Porterhouse-cut if by Western nomenclature. I estimate the total weight of about 800 grams, including the bones of about 300 grams. Presented without potato and vegetable stir. Just steak, with a piece of leaf lettuce and a Radis as decoration, as well as a slice of lemon as kondimen. Have mercy!

Sharp knife to slice meat smoothly without pressure force. The color of the meat is so beautiful. The smell wafted up the meat was beautiful. It feels? Nyus Mak mak mak nyuss nyuss. Yes, should be three times mak nyuss. Incredible! A dining experience that can never be forgotten.

If you still can spend a little deeper, Bistecca alla Fiorentina fitting accompanied by Brunello, red wine with Sangiovese grapes. A bottle of Brunello that both can achieve Eu250 price (about USD 3 million) a bottle at the restaurant. The next option is Barollo. However, when I'm rude, Chianto Classico will never be wrong as right Bistecca alla Fiorentina companion. (Bondan Winarno)

Piazza S. Felicita 4R
 Firenze, Italy

Unique Facts About Crackers, Only In Indonesia

Crackers or snack crackers are made from tapioca flour batter mixed with ingredients such as shrimp or fish flavor. Crackers made by steaming batter before thinly cut, dried in the sun and fried with a lot of cooking oil.
Textured crackers crisp and is often used as a complement to a variety of Indonesian food such as nasi goreng (fried rice) and gado-gado.
Prawn and fish crackers are the most common type found in Indonesia. Crackers cheap as chips or crackers aci mlarat only sago mixed dough made from salt, food coloring, and MSG.
Crackers are usually sold in packaging that has not been fried. Cracker fish of species that are difficult to expand when fried are usually sold in the form of already fried.
Skin crackers or fish crackers that are difficult to expand need to be fried twice. Crackers should be fried first with cooking oil low temperature before being transferred into the pan containing hot cooking oil.
Skin crackers (crackers jangek) is a cracker that is not made of tapioca flour dough, but from cow or buffalo leather is dried.

Introduction to You

This blog will tells you everthing about the greatest food from all over the world and how to get them by its location. So, keep waiting for my first post.